2:43 PM

Set a thief to Catch a Thief!

Kumily is a picturesque stop before you cross the Kerala - Tamilnadu border. It also has a border check post where the police occasionally check passenger vehicles for contraband, read liquor, from neighboring states where the stuff is much cheaper, Kerala heavily taxing liquor sales.
I recently had the opportunity to pass through this route on my return from Bangalore.
As usual there was the routine police checking, but this time round, to my surprise, the guy who frisked our baggage was reeking of some cocktail he had imbibed a little while back.
Still he was steady on his feet and nimbly tiptoed to check the baggage stored on the overhead racks.
Next time you see liquor being confiscated, don't wonder where it disappears.
It probably is put to good use filling some ill-paid policeman's overfed belly.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha. The least we can do for our poor underpaid policemen, I guess :)

CuppajavaMattiz said...

I have lost count of how many times I have not been returned loose change back while buying bus tickets for lack of availability of 50 p,2 re and even 5 re coins. Then I think, what the heck, this poor guy(the conductor) will make good use of it, though maybe in ways I won't appreciate... :-) if I knew.

Everyman said...

Cmon bud..cant grudge a portly bellied and big moustached policeman his booze can u :-)

Plus..it does get cold there at nights

CuppajavaMattiz said...

Guess you are right :-)
